On the way to Sunday …

Check out this Video (Click on the word video)
Unfortunately this video depicts the all too normal activity played out in churches all over our country.

The common business practice – “fake it until you make it or Act like you know what you are doing until you do” – has also been accepted as normal in our lives of faith.

Craig Groeschel in his book Weird writes: If you have just enough Christ to satisfy you, but not to change you . . . then something is wrong.

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.
I wish you were either one or the other!
Revelation 3:15 NIV
Have we reached a point where we have filled our churches with people that go through the motions of looking like they know God. They don’t openly reject Christ, but they don’t live lives of faith either.

A recent comprehensive Pew Forum Survey demonstrated some surprising statistics:

** Absolutely Certain Belief in God: Mainline Protestants – 73 percent.
** Many religions can lead to Eternal life: Mainline Protestants – 83 percent.
** Belief in Heaven: Mainline Protestants – 77 percent.

How did we get here?  How did we lose certainty in the pews?

Certainly this is not what we set out to teach people.

How have we drifted this far?

What can we do to get back to living lives that are changed?


I am a United Methodist Pastor and have the privilege of serving as the Senior Pastor for the church of my childhood. I preach in a place I once was an acolyte. I love to preach, but more importantly I love to teach. I firmly believe that Faith Matters and should affect how we live. This blog is a place where I come to share the randomness that is life and faith ... and the intersection of the two.

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